Friday, October 30, 2009

Senior Showgirls!

Belinda Ferguson posted this link on facebook and I love it! So great to see seniors continuing to have fun and show off their talents and vitality. I really want to go see this!

Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Gypsy Caravans

I have always been obsessed with Gypsy Caravans (Vardos), and I've been stalking them all over the web lately.

As I mentioned in my last post I've been watching HBO's Carnivale and the caravans they live in are gorrrgeous, i especially love the girls' caravans with elaborate vanity mirrors with feathers and sequins and silk strewn all over them. <3

I'd love to actually have a hand in making one, and have tried to convince my father numerous times to head up the project. He's an incredible craftsman...his projects have included our barn, furniture, woven baskets, knives, canoes, didgeridoo's, stone work and a lot more. He doesn't seem to interested in the excessive cabinetry that would go into it though. Sigh. I'll keep working on him though.

Here are the sites I've found the most informative or inspirational.

I've been collecting photos for ages so thought I'd share a couple.

Sunday, October 25, 2009

Halloween costume ideas

I love Halloween!

Monique and I are dying to be Orion Slave Girls (from Star Trek...thats right) but are going to wait until we can do that together someday.

So this year I am going as a circus ringmaster, and my wonderful box'o'costumes has provided me with almost the entire outfit...just need a top hat and a whip. (that's key) I've been watching HBO's Carnivale online every night...I'm obsessed. I've always wanted to live in a gypsy caravan with a tribe of perfomers! Wouldn't recommend watching that show before bed though, it's intense.

Here are some of my inspiration pics:

Here are a couple more that I love...saving for the future!

Heidi Klum always has the most amazing costumes:

Amazon Woman?

I love Xerxes and the 300 harem girls...

Of course, gypsy fortune teller:

In between

I am finally nearing the end of my massage training and registration process! I've graduated from Sutherland-Chan and am now studying for provincial exams which I'm performing on Tuesday (ack!) and my written exams are a week after that.

I have to admit that it is incredibly hard to concentrate as I'm so close! Also it's been very difficult and frustrating for me to put dance on the back burner while I pursue my massage career...I just want to dance now that school is finished!

The reason I decided to follow massage was that I don't want to put all the pressure on my dance career to support me full time. I'd like to be choosy with what gigs I take, how many classes I teach, etc. I don't want to wear my mind and body out and lose my love for it.

Massage is a great match as it has given me a huge body of knowledge in regards to the body...recognizing dysfunction and having the tools to help. It will be a great supplement to my teaching! Also I wanted some brain-work, to develop a strong knowledge base and be able to help people. I believe that we are very disconnected and touch-starved in our modern culture, and massage is a safe and healthy way to address that. :)

Meanwhile I'm also studying Arabesque choreography for the upcoming show in February, visiting with my sister, helping a friend with some promotional work for her new studio, doing gigs, teaching a bit and preparing for my favorite holiday, Halloween! Wish me luck....

Thursday, October 15, 2009